Magnesium 8
Broad Spectrum Complex
Every cell in our body contains magnesium, which is involved in over 300 critical biochemical reactions. Studies have shown magnesium supports endogenous energy generation, assists protein formation, helps create and repair DNA, aids muscle contractions and recovery, affects glycemic control, improves GI motility, regulates neurotransmitters, reduces stress, increase relaxation, benefits cardiovascular health, is required for proper nutrient utilization including calcium and vitamin D. Supplementing with this vital mineral may help support the body’s state of healthy homeostasis.
Over half of the US population is estimated to be deficient in magnesium, due to our modern farming practices and magnesium-depleted soils. Supplementing with this vitamin-mineral may help support the body’s state of healthy homeostasis.

"I have just started taking the serrapeptase this week and am extremely happy. Most other supplements I cannot take on an empty stomach (I get nausea and often vomiting when I do); I have had no GI upset with Melanie's product at all…. I have now been taking your serrapeptase for around 3 weeks. I have noticed my skin has been clearer and also much less allergy symptoms (congestion, runny nose)"
Beth Verified Customer